From Chicago Blackhawks to Chicago Bulls in 3 Minutes

    From GAME CHANGERS: HAWKS TO BULLS, Chicago Tribune
    From GAME CHANGERS:  HAWKS TO BULLS, Chicago Tribune
    From GAME CHANGERS: HAWKS TO BULLS, Chicago Tribune

    I found this incredible video of the transformation that happens between a Chicago Blackhawks ice hockey game and a Chicago Bulls basketball game — all on the same court.  Now we think we’re pretty awesome people when we tour and put in these massive configurations of cable, computing, and networking…  but when it really comes down to sheer weight moved and work done (in the pure physics sense of the word WORK) these crews are the shit.

    Check this out:

    All of this is from an excellent article in the Tribune called Game Changers…  this below, for example, is a minute-by-minute timeline of the changeover.  I’ll never bitch about an overnight changeover ever again…

    …or at least not until the next one…


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