WTF – Wang Rong Rollin’s Video Might Smack You in the Hepatitis



Ready for something completely absolutely rock-and-roll insane?  WTF

This might be the most ridiculous thing I have seen this year so far — and I have seen some fucked up shit this year!

This is the video for Chinese rock band Wang Rong Rollin, and their song “Chick Chick,” which I think is about some type of hair product…  or some kind of gel-based lingerie set… or maybe it’s about chickens that at one time had applied for Harvard, only to find out that they hadn’t scored terribly well on the SATs.  Honestly, I have no earthly fucking idea what this is, but someone who shall remain nameless TOBIN sent this to me and it must be shared with the insanity of the population of people of light.  Enjoy, crazy people.

What.  The.  Fuck.

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