Electron Porn – The Sex Life of an Electron


    It’s actually a long-time running joke in the Electronics industry, Richard Hart’s joke that has become slightly less than not-quite-famous, here in its entirety, for all of you dirty-minded fucks out there who work, live, and love in Light.



    The Sex Life of An Electron

    One night when his charge was pretty high, Mirco-Farad decided to seek out a cute little coil to help his discharge.

    He picked up Milli-Amp and took her for a ride in his Megacycle. They rode across the Wheatstone Bridge and stopped by a magnetic field with flowing currents and frolicked in the sine waves.

    Micro-Farad, attracted by Milli-Amp’s characteristic curves, soon had her fully charged and proceeded to excite her resistance to a minumum. He gently laid her at ground potential, raised her frequency, and lowered her reluctance.

    With a quick arc, he pulled out his high voltage probe and inserted it in her socket, connecting them in parallel. He slowly began short circuiting her resisitance shut while quickly raising her thermal conductance level to mill-spec. Fully excited, Milli-Amp mumbled “OHM…OHM…OHM!”

    With his tube operating well into class C, and her field vibrating with his currently flow, a corona formed which instantly caused her shunt to overheat just at the point when Micro-Farad rapidly discharged and drained off every electron into her grid.

    They fluxed all night trying various connectors and sockets until his magnet had a soft core and lost all of its field strength.

    After wards, Milli-Amp tried self-induction and damaged her solenoids, and, with his battery fully discharged, Micro-Farad was unable to excite his field. Not ready to be quiescent, they spent the rest of the evening reversing polarity and blowing each other’s fuses.

    You’re welcome.



    This was found here, and I’m so glad I found it.

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