Holly Needs Our Good Karma for A Hot Minute


    So a friend walks into a doctor’s office with a tumor in her brain…


    My friend Holly is having brain surgery today.  Yep, it’s for realzies, no-shit, actual brain surgery to remove a tumor that’s traveling without a ticket like a gate-hopper in her brain.  She goes into surgery about noon, 12:30 or so.

    She’s affectionately named that little mooch Arnold.  People are showing support on Holly’s Facebook, I know she would love some more!

    Got a few seconds?  Do Holly a kindness, send her some good karma.  Maybe think to yourself HEY!  Arnold, you tumor bastard!  Get the f*ck outta there and leave Holly alone, alive!  Or, pray for her, if you are religious, as Holly is fo-sho, and I’m sure she’d appreciate your prayers.

    And remember…


    GOOD LUCK HOLLY!  We’re all rooting for you, dude.

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