Last Week’s Posts Catch-Up


It’s another great week here in JimOnLight Land — pretty soon Laura and I will be moving down to start a great new job, things are falling back into place, and karma is having its way with someone who really deserves it this morning!  Ah, how the Universe takes care of itself.  I LOVE IT!

I wanted to just catch up on last week’s short post string — now that I’m back driving the bus again and not looking for work 14 hours a day, we’re gonna have a blast!

LAST WEEK on JimOnLight:


Vintage Power and Light:
The Coolest Thing to Happen to Tungsten Since Edison!

Meet Lowell and York Fowler’s art and hobby business that centers around taking vintage electrical and power equipment and turning it into beautiful, sexy, and interesting incandescent works of light and beauty!  It’s my pleasure to tell the world about the venture, hopefully one of these days I can commission my OWN bit of Vintage Power and Light!

Also, a must-read for anyone in the Entertainment Business:


Do You Scream at Stagehands?  STOP IT!

I got an interesting email from a stagehand in Colorado who’s sick and tired of all of the tour personnel screaming at the local crew when they come through.  What kind of crap is THAT?!  Are YOU a screamer?  Knock that shit off!  Click on the image to read the article — this has to STOP!  You’re ruining the friendliness and compassion for the rest of us who come through after you!

 Last but not least — one of the fathers of Modern Lighting had a birthday last week:


Happy Birthday, George C. Izenour!

If you don’t know who George Izenour is, it’s time for you to get your act together and learn about one of our industry’s most prolific inventors!  His 101st birthday was last week — even though he’s no longer with us, go check out some of the things he’s done for our beloved industry!

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