The Daily Lamp – Full-Size Human Lamps from Al Hamad Design


Today’s Daily Lamp is a pretty awesome (at least to me!) selection of actual human-sized mannequin lamps from Al Hamad Design in Kuwait — and when I say actual human-sized, I mean that the lamp is a standing version of a person with a lampshade where there should be a head.  Oh, and to turn the lamp on?  You shake its hand.  Check it out:


From the Al Hamad Design website on Embarakiya, the line’s name:

Embarakiya are human floor lamps dressed in traditional Kuwaiti wardrobe.  The lamp shades are upholstered in the actual fabric of the headdress.  Each of these lamps features a touch sensor in the hand with three dimmer settings.  Shake hands and the lamp will turn on.  The men include a built-in speaker in the torso.

Well I sure the hell have never seen anything like this before!  Embarakiya lamps have a fiberglass body, real fabric covering, and have cultural significance as they’re modeled on Kuwaiti clothing.  There’s a standing man lamp, a standing woman lamp, a woman lamp sitting, and a standing child lamp.  This is certainly different than any lamp I’ve ever seen!



I’ve read nothing but article after article on these lamps that says they’re creepy.  Do you agree?  I think they’re awesome!


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