How to Fold A Drawing Plate or Light Plot for Easy Shipping and Storage!


Whoa! It’s pre-tattoos JimOnLight!


When I first started up the JimOnLight YouTube Channel, I posted a video on how to fold a drawing — when I was in grad school, my mentor Mary Tarantino taught me perhaps one of the coolest skills in all of the world when dealing with paper plots and scenic or lighting drawings.  Check it out for yourself, you’ll never go back to shipping shit in a mailer tube again!

(unless of course you would rather spend the extra money, or you have a plate set that is more than 20 pages and you don’t want to fold them all…)

This method works on any type and any size of plate up to ARCH E, ANSI E, and A0, and will get your drawing small enough to fit in a manilla envelope or folder for transport and shipping!

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