A Truncated USITT 2011


Another airport, another day, right?

Many of us are currently on the way to Charlotte, North Carolina for the United States Institute of Theatre Technologies Conference and Expo 2011, or USITT.  This year, however, I won’t be taking part in the Expo part, I have too much going on to stay this year for more than a day.  I’m lighting two shows back-to-back, The House of Atreus (written by D. Lance Marsh) and The Wedding Singer.  Yes, that one.  I’m also working on a consulting gig and planning some large scale light art happenings.

I’m heading to USITT to present a panel called Marketing in the Digital World and Social Media for the Lighting Professional with Justin Lang from iSquint.net and Andrea Bilkey from Texas Tech.  Come check us out, we’re from 2:30pm to 3:45pm on Wednesday, March 9, 2011.

Life’s pretty busy for me right now.  Howsabout you?  Are you going to be at USITT Wednesday night around 730pm?  Come over to the #USITT #Tweetup, happening at Strike City Bowling.  Check the Facebook page.  It’s the only event I’m gonna have time to hit this year – but LDI is coming, and you can bet your silly ass I’ll be there, WITH lights on.

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