Dallas PGA Golf Celebrity Party, InLight Gobos, and Absolute Lighting. PARTY.


I got invited to an amazing party on Monday night.  A “local Dallas PGA golf celebrity” who shall remain nameless, Rick Hutton from InLight Gobos, and a bunch of awesome techs from Absolute Lighting in Dallas and I hung out until the wee hours of the morning, partying and hobnobbing with some really excellent people.  An amazing time was had by all.

I met so many people.  I saw so much mind-blowing party lighting.  I rubbed elbows with really awesome men and women, and just had myself an excellent experience.  I will say this – when InLight Gobos is involved with anything I see, it is always absolutely visually stunning.  Yeah.  Rick’s stuff is the best in the industry, in my humble designer opinion.  He’s been rocking and rolling on top of this biz for many, many years.

Rick was the general contractor for the design, the templates, and the BlissLights, and he subbed out equipment to Absolute Lighting, who provided DL-2s, COLORados, and other general gear.  Control was on a Hog III, and the video content mixed with the LED wash on the “local Dallas PGA golf celebrity” house made this party one of the top 2 house parties I have ever attended.

Thanks for the amazing time, the sushi, the sushi display platforms (leave that one to your imagination), the mind-blowing party lighting, and the invite.  If you’ve not heard of Absolute Lighting, you need to check them out.  Great people, great work!

I have A LOT of pictures of this one, folks.  A lot.  Like over a hundred.  I’m gonna spread them out over a few days so as not to screw up your JimOnLight.com image loading experience, so get ready for days of excellent views!

A long-exposure of the space cannons at the entrance to the neighborhood:

Yours truly, Rick Hutton, and Flo the awesomeness at the end of the night – or beginning of the morning, however you want to look at it:

Laura and Austin rocking the DL-2 rig:

All photography C/O Jim Hutchison and Light Associated Media, LLC

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