Ross Lovegrove’s Andromeda



I love fixtures that use their shape to cast light texture into a room.  Hence, I love this fixture by Ross Lovegrove, called the Andromeda Light.  Ross made this fixture for Yamagiwa, and if you’ve seen the work on Ross’s website, you would see it as another extension of his style.

From Ross Lovegrove, via The Contemporist:

Andromeda is an artificial structure for capturing artificial light.

Emerging from the concept of Netification; the reduction of physical mass through selective perforation across a pre defined form; the concept floats more as a diatomic sea creature in the free ocean of space. It floats in a state of apparent anti gravity, capturing its light within to graphically delineate a structural net as a soft external shadow of itself. The light that is emitted from its LED clusters is reflected back into itself via mirrors orientated to maximise their output and to freely distribute a very pure light. It becomes the source of ambient light within a room, vesting gentle forms like large roots onto adjacent surfaces to form extended relationships onto and into architectural dimensions.

The piece is moulded from a single material as a unified white Botanical, aquatic organism to softly implant a sense of nature into the spaces we inhabit.

Cool.  Nice work, Ross.


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  1. this is soo cool i admire his work sow much hes like an inspiration to me…
    i wuld love to have this kind of stuff in my house / room!!


    srry i had to do it

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