JimOnLight.com – The Sticker!



    You know, like SpaceBalls – The Flame Thrower – for kids!

    I just ordered a bunch of JimOnLight.com stickers from Contagious Graphics, and I would like to give them away!  If you send me a self-addressed stamped envelope (also known as an SASE to the layperson), I will put a sticker in it and send it back!  Send me an email through the contact form for my address – I’d rather not post it online, ya dig?

    The sticker is 4.25″ by 2.75″.  Perfect for anywhere!  This also means you can throw a smaller envelope into a letter sized envelope and not have to go to the post office.  See?  I’m looking out for you.  Just make sure it’s at least 4.25″ wide by 2.75″ tall.

    Have a great day!

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