Brigitte Ziegler’s B52 Shadow


    You know how much I like shadows.  Even painted shadows.  Now here’s hoping that this was either A) biodegradable paint or B) this grass died for the cause of art.

    This is Brigitte Ziegler‘s The Shadow:

    The Shadow, painting on grass, 49 x 56 meters, shape of a B 52, 2010, Biennale Les Environnementales, Jouy-en-Josas.

    This work was done for Les Environnementales – which is actually pretty cool, dig into this a little – a Biennial of Contemporary Art held at Tecomah, an environmental studies school near Paris.  This school has a pretty great name – TECOMAH:  the School of Environment and Quality of Life.  YES PLEASE.

    Brigitte’s works are, by definition, dealing with some violent themes.  The image above is striking to me especially, being that there are kids playing on it.

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