Ben Slayter’s Flaming Lips Opener Video from Bonnaroo 2010


Have you ever seen the Flaming Lips in concert?  If you have, then you certainly know what kind of an experience it’s going to be – it’s pretty much indescribably awesome.  If you were to take a hug and flying rainbow unicorns and cotton candy and “the brown acid” and the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and blend them all together, that might be somewhere close to it, but still not really close to describing it.

I saw the Lips, with opener Matisyahu, whose performance (and lighting designer) was OUTSTANDING.  So awesome.

My pal Ben Slayter (you might know him as @SlayterCreative on Twitter) shot some video of the big Flaming Lips show at Bonnaroo 2010, and it’s gotten some good press.  Check out this video!

I’m jealous.  Good video, Ben!

If you haven’t heard of The Flaming Lips, then please dear god and baby jesus go check some out!

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  1. These guys came to Houston a while back for SummerFest. I had the pleasure of both playing the show and helping on the out. Wayne Coyne is one awesome dude! In fact, I’m pretty sure he was cooler than anyone I’ve ever met. Not to mention, he comes up, or is heavily involved with, creating and executing their visual effects. It was a concert experience like none other, it even topped sitting front and center for Roger Water’s – The Wall tour.


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