Solar Shower – Well, That’s Hot!



    Have you ever had one of those camping showers?  I used to have one that held about five gallons – it was a black plastic bag that got hung in the sun, and it was generally pretty lame.  The handle was too stretchy, the bag got so freaking hot that you would just scald yourself when you went to discharge the water, and it was dependent on how much water was left in the bag for water pressure.  Like I said, generally lame.

    My goal is to have all solar powered camping gear to have no impact on the environment, with the exception of the zillion-degree campfire that my buddies and I always make.  Fire, good.

    A company called Herrington has a product that uses the same solar water heating concept – it might be a bit much for camping (as it’s two hundred bucks) but as far as concept goes, it’s pretty great.  The Solar Power Shower allows you to hook up the garden hose to it and fill up the base, giving you two hours until 140 degree water.  Use the tap on the shower to mix some garden hose water with the hot water, and mix a warm shower.  Where can you use this?  Well, anywhere you want.  I would still probably take it camping.

    PS:  I didn’t have any pictures of dudes using the shower, sorry ladies.  I would have taken one of those “look how hot I am” shower pictures myself, but I wanted people to like the article.

    Thanks, DVICE!

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