Wybron Is Releasing Something Awesome for iPhone



Okay, I’m in Seattle.  I land on the tarmac at SeaTac, I fire up my iPhone, and I get an email from someone telling me about a cool new iPhone app from Wybron that *could possibly be* released this next coming week.  Maybe.  Perhaps.  Or so I heard…

So instead of getting a nap like my adorable snoring wife who’s asleep here next to me – we went to bed at 2:30am and got up at 4am to fly to Seattle – I am more interested in sharing the news of this new iPhone bit of coolness.  This new application from Wybron appears as if it’s going to be a visual reference for gobos – variable spin and focus parameters is all I know of right now, but as soon as I get more info, you can guarantee I’ll share it with you!


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