Shadows for A Saturday



It’s a rainy Saturday in Toronto. Our move to Dallas is coming, albeit slowly; as we pack and gather and stuff and tape, I keep thinking of that crazy big sky in Texas and how I have seen nothing quite like it in my travels.

I have to say I miss it.  I also miss being warm.  I really miss being even too warm, where air conditioning is a necessity of survival.


I love taking photos of shadows I see.  Shadows are just a world of stories that are only waiting for you to imagine them.  I can remember being a really little boy and being fascinated with the shadows of two clouds becoming one cloud as I watched them from the top of the stairs out into the front yard — I love that memory!  My absolute favorite photos of myself are the ones where you’re looking at a silhouette of my head and body; I’m guessing it sounds weird to you, but every time you see one of those photos of me, it was taken while I was giggling my ass right off.  I hope that gives you comfort, it certainly does for me!

Enjoy some fun shadow photos while you munch your breakfast grindage.  Or maybe just coffee, like the real breakfast of champions is done.  With bacon.

This is just a small sample of some of the shadow photos I have over on my Shadows Flickr set.

setting sun and vertical blinds

curvy shadow racetrack

shadows of refraction

Cracked Spotlight

the purple shadows of the city

Plano, trees.

vertical blinds

tree loving the window

Click on any image below for our awesome new Blackbox Gallery view!

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  1. Cup of coffee from my keurig just the way I like it + this post with all these pics = an awesome start to a Philly Saturday. Considering rooting through & posting some of mine because I love shadows probably as much as you do. Thanks for sharing!

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