Barbizon’s Electrician’s Handbook App is Awesome


When I started out in this business, I was a lighting tech for a few years before getting on the bigger gigs as a designer.  I always, always had four things in my tool bag (other than tools) – a copy of Ugly‘s, a copy of the little card that High End Systems made for the Studio Color, a PowerBar, and a copy of the Barbizon Electrician’s Handbook.  When Tobin at Barbizon told me about the Electrician’s Handbook APP, I was so excited to get my hands on it, for old time’s sake!  Old time’s sake became regular reality again when I can now have that little bugger on my iPhone.  It’s also available for Droid, too.

There is one addition that makes me giggle – if you have an iOS 4 phone, your LED flash on the back of the phone now works as a flashlight!

That tickles me in a way that if it were actually tickling me, I’d probably say something like “yeah, that’s the spot, that feels goooood.”

Check out some screen grabs of the handbook app, and WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE THIS YET?!  It’s FREE!

Nice.  Thanks, Barbizon!

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