The Daily Lamp – The GreenLight, from TOKEN NYC


Today’s Daily Lamp is the most innovative, creative application for a challenge I’ve seen in a light that incorporates nature as a design element — meet design studio TOKEN in New York City’s answer to the challenge, the GreenLight:

The GreenLight is a prescription product developed for the xdesign Environmental Health Clinic. The light is prescribed for Impatients* interested in changing their relationship to energy systems; improving indoor air-quality and developing experience with closed and coupled systems design—the chief strategies for improved environmental performance.

This lighting product diffuses light by coupling to photosynthetic processes. Planting strategies can be specified to address particular indoor air quality issues including VOC, benzene and formaldehyde removal.
Like other prescription products this product requires a clinic appointment to introduce the design parameters involved, and the novel issues involved in distributed power production.

GreenLight is even cool with a fish inside, which doesn’t really solve any problems, per se, but it might be cool to have a fish up around your face should you find the need to talk to your luminaires.  Sometimes people have long days, that’s all I’m saying.







Also, check out more of studio TOKEN’s work on Behance, there’s is some great work – and they also do furniture!



TOKEN also recently did a furniture install at the Koch Theater, check this out:

Thanks, Behance!

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