An X-Ray of My Broken Hand!


X-Rays are awesome!  You, the JimOnLight audience have had the horrid experience of fire and gore pleasure of seeing several images and video of the inside of my body (and not THAT kind of inside, GREG) during that absolutely awesome experience I had with shoulder surgery, MRIs, getting bruises from surgery turned into glass gobos, and the trials and tribulations of wiping with the non-dominant hand.

Ah, the memories.

Well CHECK IT OUT!  I broke my hand!  That means X-RAY IMAGES TIME!  It’s the right hand (duh), and if you look just over there at the right pinky finger, you’ll notice the break.  There’s also a crack that runs all the way down the side of my palm.  When I do something, I do it full-out!

I love x-rays!


Also, remember this?

JimOnLight’s Shoulder MRI from Jim Hutchison on Vimeo.

Have a great night, everybody!  I’m going into a painkiller haze, and I should call my Dad before he Facebook guilts me to death.

[love you, f*cker!]

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