Upcoming JimOnLight.com Appearances!


I’m doing a fair amount of traveling over the next handful of months – some guest artist appearances, some conference appearances, and maybe I’ll just go streaking across the quad somewhere in America!  LET’S GO STREAKING!

Ha, ha.  Moving on.

So tomorrow I’m having some surgery on my torn rotator cuff and shoulder injury – I’m going to be recovering for the next few weeks, so when you see me at USITT I might still be sore.  If you slap my right shoulder, I might punch your right face.  Don’t take it offensively though, it’ll just be a reaction to the pain, you know how it goes!  So I’ll be sitting on the couch, recovering, and generally watching a lot of Family Guy.  Send me some good juju today (Thursday, Feb. 23) around 230pm!

SETC 2011
I’ll be at the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) in Atlanta, Georgia next week.  I’m the guest lighting designer judge for the 2011 Student Design Competition, which takes place Wednesday through Saturday, March 2-4, 2011.  After there, it’s on to Charlotte!

USITT 2011
I’m presenting on a panel at the United States Institute for Theatre Technologies (USITT) National Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina – March 9-12, 2011.  The panel, called Marketing in the Digital World and Social Media for the Lighting Professional, is with Andrea Bilkey from Texas Tech and Justin Lang from iSquint.net.  “It’s gonna be tight, y’all!”

LFI 2011
I’m going to be walking the floor at LightFair 2011 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this year too!  I had such a great time at the 2010 LightFair Conference covering the floor that I want to get back this year and see what there is to be seen on the architectural lighting scene!  You see how I punned there?!

So, what do you think?  Spontaneous JimOnLight.com Tweetups in each and every one of these cities???  Let me know if you’re gonna be somewhere by dropping me a line on Twitter (@JimOnLight) or via the contact form.  If you know my cell, then send me a text!  I hope to see you all there!

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