The Phenomenon of Earthquake Lights



    There is apparently a phenomenon that happens right before and perhaps during an earthquake that is very similar to the auroras in the northern and southern hemispheres.  This phenomenon, somewhat regarded as make-believe until recent history, is referred to as “earthquake light.”  Apparently right before and during an earthquake (or perhaps more accurately, “places of tectonic stress, seismic activity, or volcanic eruptions”), aurora-esque luminous activity in the sky has been reported all over the world.  Wikipedia talks a little about this acticity:

    Earthquake lights are caused by an unknown mechanism. There are numerous theories as to how and why they occur.
    One explanation involves intense electric fields created piezoelectrically by tectonic movements of rocks containing quartz.
    Another possible explanation is local disruption of the Earth’s magnetic field and/or ionosphere in the region of tectonic stress, resulting in the observed glow effects either from ionospheric radiative recombination at lower altitudes and greater atmospheric pressure or as aurora. However, the effect is clearly not pronounced or notably observed at all earthquake events and is yet to be directly experimentally verified.
    There is also debate in the scientific community regarding Radon as a possible precursor to some earthquakes, so another theory is that glowing clouds might be light emission produced by ionization or plasma-chemical reactions

    Whereas the aurora activity in the northern and southern hemispheres has been  known to have certain colors, earthquake lights (EQL’s) have been either white/blue or multi-spectrum, like below in this video 10 minutes before the 2008 earthquake in Meixian, Shaanxi province, China:

    That’s freaky.  It’s almost a warning of sorts.  It could also just be some kind of complete random coincidence too – but scientists have been grappling with any kind of earthquake early-warning detection system for years.  Could this be something that they should be looking into with more detail?  They certainly aren’t letting it go unattended.

    The USGS (United States Geological Survey) talks about their existence on their website.  From the page on EQLs:

    Observations of earthquake lights (EQL), mostly white to bluish flashes or glows lasting several seconds associated with moderate to large earthquakes, have been reported infrequently by observers since ancient times. It wasn’t until the phenomenon was captured in photographs, taken during the Matsushiro earthquake swarm in Japan between 1965 and 1967, that the seismological community acknowledged their occurrence. A satisfactory theory to explain EQL, however, has been elusive and is still not agreed upon. Proposed mechanisms include piezoelectricity, frictional heating, exoelectron emissions, sonoluminescence, phosphine gas emissions, and fluid injection (electrokinetics), but the most recent theory suggests that EQL are caused by separation of positive hole charge carriers that turn rocks momentarily into p-type semiconductors (first and second references below).

    The most extensive modern study of EQL observations comes from the Saguenay, Quebec, earthquakes of 1988-1989 (third reference below). At least 46 well-documented reports span the time from three weeks before the main shock to two months after. The general categories of observations include: (1) seismic lightning, (2) atmospheric luminous bands, (3) globular incandescent masses, (4) fire tongues, (5) seismic flames, and a newly-recognized category, (6) coronal or point discharges. The latter observations, resulting from one observer being in the right place at the time of the main shock, strongly support the positive hole theory.

    This is something that could be studied as an early-warning phenomena to save lives. Scientists at NASA and at the USGS will hopefully continue to study this occurrence as it happens, and hopefully save tens of thousands of lives.


    Below is a USGS map of the 2008 Sichuan quake, and the placement/sightings of “colorful clouds” related to the quake:


    Thanks, USGS and Epoch Times.

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    1. This is not HAARP, this is mother nature. Any moron who bothered with high-school physics would know of the piezo-electric effect, and how electric fields can cause atmospheric ionization (hence why we have lightning during thunder-storms). Dumbass. Go back to school.

      • Wow! Thanks for the really constructive comments, Champ.
        I guess you’re the man because you anonymized your email address to insult me.

        Way to go! Well done!

    2. Great pictures, I can’t find the article on the usgs anymore so I guess they took it down. The other commenters appear to be onto something regarding the electrical pressure charge. Interesting because I never read that on the USGS site a year or two ago.

      I highly doubt it is well known, I think it is still a bit of a mystery.

      http : / / / topic / 594-piezoelectric-earth /

      If it helps, just about any jackass can search for a term and then claim they actually learned something in high school between all the dope smoking and binge drinking over WOW.

    3. who cares if its HARRP or nature any sort of warning helps. I was outside in the early hours of the morning last September during a large earthquake and witnessed purple clouds and blue lightning witch i don’t believe hit ground anywhere. the purple clouds are a common sight caused by ambient light form the city. I was 30km from the epicenter a friend of mine who is a farmer working 2km from the epicenter reported the sky lighting up like a alien invasion movie.

    4. I believe!!! March 10 about 9:20am driving to Las Vegas from California on the Interstate 15 Highway. Look to the sky and saw these beautiful lights shinning bright. I told the passengers in the car with me that I saw a video about these lights that was made right before the earthquake in China awhile ago. Then sure enough I woke up in the next morning to see that Japan got hit. I have pics of it but it kind of suck a$$. More beautiful in person.

    5. Dear genleechoj,

      What do lights in California have to do with Japan? If the Haarp in Nevada was supposed to be invovled (sagt Benjamin Fulford), maybe there is a connection. Wierd in ay case.

      Lights do not necessarily indicate that HAARP is invoved. Earthquake lights have been observed long before HAARP arrived on the scene.

    6. What you have here is HAARP. Nikola Tesla Technology stolen by the US military system. Research into it a little more.

    7. Earthquake lights only first had evidence between 1965 and 1967, HAARP Technology was Established in 1960.

    8. I’ve seen these clouds all the time over southern cali and never associated it with an earthquake. I’ve also predicted earthquakes to the exact day with pre dated photos of my written prediction and i did it by observing active earthquakes with lunar cycles and then guessing based on experience and feeling, easier than sudoku and no fancy clouds 😀 I’ve always thought the colors were just caused by the angle of the sun hitting high altitude clouds …i’ve noticed it always tends to happen sometime after 3:30 pm but i never looked into it and this other info i’m seeing is interesting…
      Concerning HAARP, I do live near an AFB reserve and they’re always flying their craziness over my house but when it comes to these “clouds” i feel they’re naturally occuring due to the consistent time of day for their appearance and their duration.
      If it does have to do with earthquakes it’s probably just a “fart” before the big “shit” XD
      – these statements are just based on personal experiences, i have NO professional expertice in this matter.
      fallacy sences tingling! Tesla technology “stolen”? Clouds in Cali associated with Japan? Attack against person?

    9. The display in the image and the video is a Circumhorizontal Arc.  It’s a type of Ice Halo, and has nothing to do with earthquakes.  It’s just an amazing coincidence.

      Real Earthquake lights last only seconds and are bluish-white, not rainbow colored.

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