JimOnLight.com and iSquint.net- A “Light Plot Deconstructed” Contest!



Great things happen when people work together!

My good pal iSquint and I are running a contest for two of Greg Hillmar’s book, Light Plot Deconstructed, which retails for $40.  Greg’s book deals with Vectorworks Spotlight, a popular program on the market of CAD software.  Greg has graciously donated two copies of his book, SIGNED, for the contest!

We’re conducting this contest in two parts – iSquint is rocking the first two weeks of October, and I will be rolling the last two weeks of October.  iSquint is holding the first part of the contest from October 1 and ending it on October 18; I will take over on JimOnLight.com and run it from October 19 and end of October 30.

Entering is just as easy as any other JimOnLight or iSquint contest – for the first half, hop on over to iSquint’s contest page for the Greg Hillmar book and leave your name, email (which is as always private), and a note – notes are awesome!  I’ll post a contest page when it’s my turn.

What are you waiting for?

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