PechaKucha Night in Denver – July 21, 8pm


PechaKucha is a coming together of designers, not unlike the Ignite events where you’re asked to put together 20 slides, each for 20 seconds, and present a subject.  I wrote a bit about PechaKucha here, and the Denver PechaKucha meet is coming up on Tuesday, July 21 at 8:00pm.  Denver is full of very talented people, I think you’ll enjoy yourself.  Go be part of a collective brain for the evening!

Presenting this year:

Lawrence Argent: Artist & DU Professor, Argent Studios
Berger, Henry & Foehr: Design Team, cypher13
Charles Carpenter: Graphic Designer, EBD
Larabee & Thornton: Furniture Makers, DoubleButter
Scott Lary: Art Director & Sculpture Artist, Slary Design
Bruce Mau: Designer and Artistic Director, Bruce Mau Design Inc.
Ted Schultz: Architect, CTA Architects Engineers
Brandi Shigley: Dreamer & Doer, Fashion Denver
Ravi Zupa: Visual/Video Artist, Parts and Labor Union

From an email I got from Jaime and Angela, the PechaKucha Night Denver hosts:

Tuesday, July 21st, will be Denver’s 6th volume of PechaKucha Night. The line-up of presenters is amazing – from Big Blue Bears to Biennials, furniture design to fashion, this round includes some of Denver’s top local creatives along with a special guest presenter: Bruce Mau, Artistic Director for the 2010 Denver Biennial of the Americas.

Since it’s summer, we’re taking the show outside.  We’ll still be at Buntport Theater, 717 Lipan St., we’re still asking for a $5 donation, and the show still begins at 8:20, but unlike PKN events in the past, this will be an OUTDOOR event.  Please bring your own blanket or low-slung chair – larger chairs will be asked to move towards the back.  Come at 8 and set up in the parking lot or grass outside the theater. Being outside will let us fit more folks than usual and you can camp out early to get a good spot. In the event of bad weather however, the event will be held indoors and seating will be limited, first come first served.

PechaKucha FAQ:
What is PechaKucha Night? start here:
What’s it doing in Denver?
Who has presented in the past? we name-drop for each volume here:
What about online social networking? totally. flickrtwitterfacebook
Please check it out – I wanted so badly to present this year, but we ended up moving back to Dallas.  Go support design!
pechakucha denver
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