Hand Drafting and Rendering Supplies – FREE STUFF!


I’m giving away more of the stuff I’ve had sitting in boxes – it’s doing me no good anymore, and I’d rather just give it away to a reader who needs it!

All you have to do to be entered is leave a comment below.  That’s it.  Just leave a comment.  But do it by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT NOON, (Tuesday, June 30, 2009).  I’m picking someone at midnight! NOON.  If you’re reading via RSS feed, please go hit the website and leave a comment on this post if you’re interested!

I’m sending someone the following, stuffed into a USPS Priority Flat Rate box:

drafting supplies

1 – full set of Cray-Pas “Expressionist” oil pastels
1 – balsa sander
1 – X-Acto 45 degree triangle
1 – pencil sharpening paddle
2 – X-Acto mitre boxes (aluminum)
2 – Staedtler lead sharpeners, one mechanical, one battery operated
1 – Ames lettering guide
1 – erasing shield
4 – random fountain pen tips
1 – flexible curve
1 – large 45 degree triangle
1 – large 45 degree triangle with circle template
1 – drafting brush
1 – pounce bag
2 – bottles of SOBO craft glue
1 – Alvin geared compass
1 – electric eraser and refills
a bunch of leads for lead holders, including Repro Blue leads
a whole bunch of different weights and sizes of mechanical pencil leads
a ton of colored pencils, drafting pencils, and watercolor pencils

and other stuff that I probably forgot to mention.  It’s worth quite a penny if you were to buy all of this new, so if you’re interested, just leave a comment on this post.  I’ll draw someone at random.

GOOD LUCK!  please take this stuff off my hands, and the shipping is on me!

Previous articleFREE STUFF! Templates and Templates and Drafting Supplies, OH MY!
Next articleJimOnLight.com, DALLAS Edition


  1. Well that is quite a beautiful array of stuff. So this seems like a good time to comment on how I enjoy reading your blog and tweets as I work my way back into theater

  2. I would love this stuff i have a design and drafting class this year at school and I know it will all come in handy


  3. I will give your shtuff a good a home and put it to good use.

    …….when do you split for Switzer….Sweden….?

  4. Hi Jim!

    What a great thing you are doing by giving away all these valuable supplies! Im a graduate student and although I rarely hand draft anymore, there are MANY freshmen and sophmores at my school who would appreciate these supplies! And Im sure the graduate set designers would cheer loudly for the 2 bottles of sobo glue!

    Safe travels to Dallas! I myself will be heading back to Texas in late July for a quick visit with family.

    Enjoy your week!

  5. I could really use those supplies because our family monthly budget is not enough to get most of the supplies that you have listed. The courses that I am taking also require most of the supplies that you have listed. I would really appreciate it. It would be one less issue my Mom & Dad have to deal with.

    • Hi Jim.

      I am A full time student in NH. I guess it was pure luck that you have the supplies that I really could
      use. I can’t find a job to offset the cost of books and other supplies that I need for my studies.
      That is why I am asking you to consider giving the supplies to me. You have probably heard
      several people, but I am from a small town in NH. And jobs do not come easy as you well know.
      Please consider giving the supplies to me so I can go to my classes prepared as a good student
      should be.

      Thank you.

      Donald Isabelle

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