LDDE’s SpectraWOW+ V.2.0


Remember Greg Fuller and LDDE LED fresnels?  I met Greg at LDI 2008, and he was nice enough to spend some time with us (and gave out great t-shirts) talking about the SpectraWOW+ LED fresnel.  Now Greg is selling LDDE’s new product, the SpectraWOW+ V.2.0, with updates based on feedback from LDI 2008.  Stand alone operation, DMX addressing to execute variable-speed crossfades, specific color temperatures and intensities, and pre-defined Rosco E-Colors come with the new version.  V.2.0 also features a “camera mode” – 200hz to 1000 hz can be set in this function.

Check out Greg’s offerings at European Dynamic Lighting – he’s a hell of a nice guy!  It also helps that the LDDE products rock.


Thanks, L+SA!

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