Pecha Kucha in Denver


On January 20, 2009, the fourth Pecha Kucha event was held in Denver at the Buntport Theatre.  Pecha Kucha means ‘the sound of conversation,’ and is fitting, as it’s a meeting for designers to get together and network.  Each designer gets 20 images at 20 seconds a piece, for a total of 6:40 each – I did a similar event called Ignite Denver a few months ago – although by the time I got to do my thing (which was held at Fado Irish Pub in Denver), I think everyone was too drunk, too loud, and not too interested in the art of lighting design to really give a damn.  Oh well.

One of the awesome aspects of the Pecha Kucha meeting is the cell phone lighting pictures that are taken – at this most recent one, attendees were asked to draw either a P, a K, or an N – at the last Pecha Kucha event, attendees were asked to spell the first letter of their names.  I think it’s a great way to remember the event!

I wonder if Lighting Designers are welcome…  Can I come to the Pecha Kucha meeting and present next time, Pecha Kucha peeps?

Thanks, PSFK!

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  1. Hi Jim,

    I take it you’re not in for volume 6 since we haven’t heard back from you?
    We’ve been saving you a spot; if you can no longer do it please let us know today so we can include someone from the waiting list. We have to send the posters to the printer tomorrow and we don’t want to leave you off you still want to do it!

    Sorry to harass you – I’m not sure how many other ways I can try to contact you 🙂

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