ReLight the Gesù Theatre


Quartier des spectacles Partnership, the Gesù Theatre, and the City of Montreal’s Design Montréal agency has invited designers and “creators” to submit lighting, architecture and scenographic propositions for a revamp of the architectural lighting and design for the Gesù.

Apparently, there are prizes too!  According to the project’s site, which is in French, there are monetary prizes for those chosen for their ideas:

Grand prix du jury: 10 000$
Deuxième prix : 5 000$
Troisième prix : 3 000$
Prix du public : 2 000$

which translates to:

Grand Prix of the jury: 10.000$
Second price: 5.000$
Third price: 3.000$
Price of the public: 2.000$

If you’re interested in entering, the information is here, in French.  For an English translation, here’s a link to Babelfish for the article.  All images, contest materials, and all relevant docs are there, in PDF and JPEG.

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